


サンゴ礁科学研究I 〜喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念号〜 号外海洋 No. 56 (2016)
1.渡邊 剛・山崎敦子
総論:サンゴ礁科学研究の発展と今後の展望 -喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念号-
喜界島のサンゴ礁段丘 -1998年以降の成果と今後の課題-
炭酸塩初期続成作用とその時間スケール -鹿児島県喜界島炭酸塩堆積物の研究を通して-
4.滝澤 護・髙栁栄子・山本鋼志・佐々木圭一・井龍康文
5.中森 亨・箕浦幸治・山田 努・目崎拓真
鉄/サンゴを解く!過去‐未来環境予測 プロジェクト -薩摩硫黄島と鬼界カルデラに残される現在の地球史-
サンゴ礁海岸に見られる地震と津波の痕跡 -喜界島の地震履歴構築に向けて-
8.伊藤早織・渡邊 剛・山崎敦子・Teddy Eka Putra・西村裕一
完新世のサンゴ礁段丘研究の課題と展望 -サンゴ礁生態系復元と台風復元にむけて-
10.駒越太郎・渡邊 剛・白井厚太朗・山崎敦子・植松光夫
シャコガイ殻を用いた高時間解像度の環境解析 -沖ノ鳥島シラナミガイ殻に刻まれた台風の痕跡-
16.渡邉貴昭・渡邊 剛・山崎敦子・Miriam Pfeiffer・Dieter Garbe-Schonberg・Michel R. Claereboudt
17.甕 聡子
18.大森 一人
19.山崎敦子・渡邊 剛
20.渡邊 剛
筆者 : 1. 北大, 2. 金沢学院大, 3. 熊本大, 4. 東北大・名大・金沢学院大, 5. 東北大・黒潮生物研, 6. 九大, 7. 北大, 8. 北大, 9. 琉球大, 10. 北大・東大, 11. 宮崎大・千葉県中央博, 12. 鹿児島大, 13. 東大, 14. 東大, 15. 東大, 16. 北大・RWTH Aachen・Kiel・Sultan Qaboos, 17. 東大, 18. 北海道地質研・北大, 19. 北大・東大, 20. 北大
サンゴ礁科学研究II 〜喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念号〜 月刊海洋 No. 555 (2017)
1.山崎敦子・渡邊 剛
喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所の3年間の歩み -喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所特別号(続報)-
天与の炭酸塩ダイアジェネシス実験室・喜界島 -(1)ダイアジェネシス症候群とファイグル液-
3.駒越太郎・渡邊剛・Kevin Garas・山崎敦子
サンゴ骨格成長解析 -研究手法・課題・今後の展望-
6.渡邉貴昭・渡邊剛・山崎敦子・Miriam Pfeiffer・Michel R Claereboudt
7.坂口綾・野村知哉・Peter Steier・山川茜・渡邊剛・山野博哉
筆者 : 1. 北大, 2. 金沢大, 3. 北大, 4. 東邦大, 5. 秋田大・中川町自然誌博, 6. 北大・RWTH Aachen・Sultan Qaboos Univ., 7. 筑波大・広島大・ウィーン大・環境研・北大
サンゴ礁科学研究III 〜喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念号〜 月刊海洋 No. 556 (2017)
1.渡邊 剛・山崎敦子
喜界島ジオ・エコ統合モニタリングシステム -地球環境変動の解明とサンゴ礁生態系への影響の評価と監視-
奄美大島におけるサンゴ礁の変遷 -オニヒトデ大発生の歴史的考察-
6.池田昌隆・渡邊剛・大森一人・渡邉貴昭・山崎敦子・Chiang Hong Wei・Chuan-Chou Shen
台湾緑島の造礁サンゴを用いたこう時間解像度古環境解析:その1. -水温計キャリブレーション-
7.Kaho Hoshino Tisthamemr(星野夏帆)・Robert H. Richmond
筆者 : 1. 北大, 2. 喜界町埋蔵文化財, 3. 千葉中央博, 4. 奄美海洋生物研, 5. 北大, 6. 北大・北海道立地質研・台湾大, 7. ハワイ大
サンゴ礁科学研究IV 〜喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念号〜 号外海洋 No. 60 (2017)
1.渡邊 剛・山崎敦子・山崎敦子・伊藤早織・渡邉貴昭・佐々木友梨・山崎紗苗・藤咲咲子・長浜千夏・伊地知告・佐々木圭一
2.渡邊 剛・山崎敦子
4.西村裕一・渡邊 剛・山崎敦子
6.中谷理愛・渡邊剛・山崎敦子・渡邉貴昭・杉原薫・Chuan-Chou Shen・佐々木圭一
円石藻Braarudosphaera bigelowii研究のこれまで・これから
石灰藻サンゴモ類の多様性 -生きた化石になる海藻の分類と生態-



Yamano, H., Watanabe, T. (2016) Coupling Remote Sensing and Coral Annual Band Data to Investigate the History of Catchment Land Use and Coral Reef Status, Coral Reef Science, Volume 5 of the series Coral Reefs of the World pp 47-53
Mitsuguci, T., Hirota, M., Paleo Labo AMS Dating Group, Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., Yamano, H. (2016) Post-bomb coral Δ14C record from Iki Island, Japan: possible evidence of oceanographic conditions on the northern East China Sea shelf, Geo-Marine Letters,doi:10.1127/ejm/2016/0028-2521
Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., Tsunogai, U., Iwase, F., Yamano, H. (2016) A 150-year variation of the Kuroshio transport inferred from coral nitrogen isotope signature, Paleooceanography,31, doi:10.1002/2015PA002880
Motai, S., Kawano, J., Nagai, T., Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., (2016) Precipitation of halite during calcification of the massive reef-building coral Porites lobata, European Journal of Mineralogy,doi:10.1127/ejm/2016/0028-2521
Sakaguchi, A., Nomura, T.,Steier, P., Gloser, R., Sasaki, K., Watanabe, T., Nakakuki, T., Takahashi, Y., Yamano, H.(2015) Temporal and vertical distributions of anthropogenic236U in the Japan Sea using a coral core and seawater samples , Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,doi:10.1002/2015JC011109
Hori, M., Sano,Y., Ishida, A., Takahata, N.,Shirai, K., Watanabe, T. (2015) Middle Holocene daily light cycle
reconstructed from the strontium/calcium ratios of a fossil giant clam shell, Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep08734
Yamazaki, A.,  Watanabe, T.,  Tsunogai, U., Hasegawa,  H., Yamano, H., (2014) The coral d15N record of terrestrial nitrate loading varies with river catchment land use, Coral Reefs, doi: 10.1007/s00338-014-1235-1
Watanabe, T., T. Kawamura, A. Yamazaki, M. Murayama, and H. Yamano (2014), A 106 year monthly coral record reveals that the East Asian summer monsoon modulates winter PDO variability, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 3609–3614, doi:10.1002/2014GL060037
Inoue, M., Ishikawa, D., Miyaji, T., Yamazaki, A., Suzuki, A., Yamano, H., Kawahata, H., Watanabe, T., (2014)Evaluation of Mn and Fe in coral skeletons (Porites spp.) as proxies for sediment loading and reconstruction of fifty years of land use on Ishigaki Island, Japan, Coral Reefs, 33(2),363-373,doi:10.1007/s00338-014-1128-3
Sowa K, Watanabe T, Kan H, Yamano H (2014) Influence of Land Development on Holocene Porites Coral Calcification at Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, Japan. PLoS ONE 9(2): e88790. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088790
Ohmori, K., Watanabe, T., Tanimizu, M., Shirai, K., Lead concentration and isotopic composition in the Pacific sclerosponge (Acanthochaetetes wellsi) reflects environmental lead pollution, Geology, 42,287-290
Seo, I., Lee, Y.I., Watanabe, T., Yamano, H., Shimamura, M. Yoo, C.M. Hyeong, K. (2013) A skeletal Sr/Ca record preserved in Favia speciosa and implications for coral Sr/Ca thermometry in mid-latitude regions, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi: 10.1002/ggge.20195
Nagata, S., Sugihara, K., Irino, T., Watanabe, T., Hiroya Yamano, H. (2013) Skeletal growth of Dipsastraea speciosa (Dana, 1846) from the subtropical and temperate regions in Japan, Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society, 15;37-56
Yamazaki, A. Watanabe, T.,  Takahata, N., Sano, Y., Tsunogai, U.(2013) Nitrogen isotopes in intra-crystal coralline aragonites, Chemical Geology, 351, 276–280
Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Nakamura, T., Sakai, S., Sakamoto, T., (2012) Estimation of uncertainty for massive Porites coral skeletal density, JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development,16, 31-19
Motai, S.  Nagai, T. Sowa, K. Watanabe, T. Sakamoto, N. Yurimoto, H. Kawano, J. (2012) Needle-like grains across over the growth lines in coral skeleton of Porites lobata, Journal of Structural Biology, 180(3):389-93
Shirai, K., Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Sano, Y., Nakamura, T., Clode, P. (2012) Visualization of sub-daily skeletal growth patterns in massive Porites corals grown in Sr-enriched seawater, Journal of Structural Biology, 180(1):47-56
Yamano, H., Sugihara, K., Watanabe, T., Shimamura, M., Hyeong, K. (2012) Coral reefs at 34°N, Japan: Exploring the end of environmental gradients, Geology, 40, 835-838
Sano, Y., Kobayashi, S., Shirai, K., Takahata, N., Matsumoto, K., Watanabe, T., Sowa, K., Iwai, K. (2012) Past daily light cycle recorded in the strontium/ calcium ratios of giant clam shells, Nature Communication, doi: 10.1038/ncommc1763
Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., Tsunogai, U. (2011) δ15N in reef coral skeletons as a proxy of tropical nutrient dynamics,Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L19605, doi:10.1029/2011GL049053.
Watanabe, T., Suzuki, A., Minobe, S., Kawashima, T., Kameo, K., Minoshima, K., Aguilar, Y. M., Wani, R., Kawahata, H., Sowa, K., Nagai, T., Kase, T. (2011) Permanent El Niño during the Pliocene warm period not supported by coral evidence,Nature, 471, 209-211.
Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., Ogawa, N., Ohkouchi, N., Shirai, K., Toratani, M., Uematsu, M.  (2011) Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotope composition of Okinotori coral in the tropical Western Pacific: A new proxy for marine nitrate dynamics,Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, G04005, doi:10.1029/2011JG001697.
Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Shimamura, M., Sakamoto, T., Nagao, S. (2010) Coral skeletal luminescence – its causes and availability as a paleoenvironmental proxy, Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society, 12、1-15
Watanabe, T.,Shimamura, M.,Yamano, H.(2009) Oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions in Favia coral skeletons from the northern latitude limit of coral reefs, Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society,11,1-8
Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., Sowa, K., Nakachi, S., Yamano, H., Iwase, F.(2009) Reconstructing palaeoenvironments of temperate regions based on high latitude corals at Tatsukushi Bay in Japan, Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society,11,1-17
Kawashima, T., Watanabe, T., Shirai, K., Maekawa, S., Shimamura, M., Irino, T., Sano, Y., Investigation on coral necrosis in massive Porites colony in the Ishigaki Island, Japan deduced from the δ18O, δ 13C and Mn/Ca ratios, Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 43,35-42
Shirai, K., Kawashima, T., Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Nakamori, T., Takahata, N., Amakawa, H., Sano, Y. (2008) Minor and trace element incorporation into branching coral Acropora nobilis skeleton, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 5386-5400
Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Motai, S., Seto, Y., Nagai, T. (2008) Mineral phase of COCs and fibers in coral skeletons, Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1, 74-77
Shimamura, M., Hyeong, K., Watanabe, T., Irino, T., Yoo, C. M., Kim, W. S. (2008) Opposed trend of skeletal carbon isotopic ratios found in two different coral species collected from the same site: Genus-dependent responses, Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1, 90-94
Hyeong, K., Shimamura, M., Watanabe, T., Yamano, H., Sugihara, K., Kim, J. (2008) Evaluation of Jeju/Tsushima Hermatypic Corals as Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Recorders, Ocean and Polar Research, 30(3), 351-359
Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Suzuki, N.(2008)Implication of organic matter in coral skeletons as proxy for paleoenvironmental reconstruction, Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 42,55-67
Shimamura, M., Hyeong, K., Yoo, C. M., Watanabe, T., Irino, T., Jung, H. S. (2008) High resolution stable isotope records of sclreractinian corals near Ishigaki Island: Their implication as a potential paleoclimatic recorder in middle latitude regions,Geosciences Journal, 12, 1, 25-31
Watanabe, T., Shirai, K., Shimamura, M. (2006)Coral biomineralization, Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 40, 21-29
Watanabe, T., Reynaud, S., Cuif, J. P., and Dauphin, Y. (2006) Variation of geochemical signals in coral skeletons: Environmental changes or biological processes, Paleontological Research, 10, 359-374
Watanabe, T., Juillet-Leclerc, A., Cuif, J. P., Rollion-Bard, C., Dauphin, Y.,  Reynaud, S. (2006) Recent advances in coral biomineralization with implications for paleo-climatology: a brief overview. Global Climate Change and Response of Carbon Cycle in the Equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans and adjacent landmasses, ELSEVIER OCEANOGRAPHY SERIES, 239-254
Watanabe, T., Juillet-Leclerc, A., Cuif, J. P., Meibom, A., Dauphin, Y., Sano, Y. (2004) Heterogeneity of chemical compositions in coral skeletons:Investigetion of skeletal calcification and coral thermometer, Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 38, 255-264
Watanabe, T. (2004) High-Resolution Reconstruction of Palaeoclimates in tropical sea surface using Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements in Biogenic Carbonates (Memorial paper for The Geochemical Society of Japan Award for Young Scientist 2003), Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 38, 29-43
Watanabe, T., Suzuki, A., Kawahata, H., Kan, H., Ogawa, S. (2004) A 60-year isotopic record of a mid-Holocene fossil Giant clam (Tridacna gigas) in the Ryukyu Islands: Physiological and paleoclimatological implications at their geological latitudinal limit, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 212, 343-354
>Watanabe, T., Gagan, M. K., Corrége, T., Gagan, H. S., Hantoro, W. S. (2003) Oxygen isotope systematics in Diploastrea heliopora: New coral archive of tropical paleoclimate, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(7), 1349-1358
Watanabe, T., Winter, A., Oba, T., Anzai, R., Ishioroshi, H. (2002) Evaluation of the fidelity of isotope records as an environmental proxy in the coral Montastraea, Coral Reefs, 21, 169-178
Matsuoka, J., Kano, A., Oba, T., Watanabe, T., Sakai, S., Seto, K. (2001) Seasonal variation of stable isotopic compositions recorded in a laminated tufa, SW-Japan, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 192, 31-44
Watanabe, T., Minagawa, M., Oba, T., Winter, A. (2001) Pretreatment of coral aragonite for Mg and Sr analysis: Implications for coral thermometers, Geochemical Journal, 35, 265-269
Watanabe, T., Winter, A., Oba, T. (2001) Seasonal changes in sea surface temperature and salinity during the Little Ice Age in the Caribbean Sea, Marine Geology, 173, 1-4, 21-36 (The most downloaded paper in 2001)
Winter, A., Ishioroshi, H., Watanabe, T., Oba, T., Christy, J. R. (2000) Caribbean sea surface temperatures: two-to-three degrees cooler than present during the Little Ice Age, Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 20, 3365-3368
Watanabe, T., Oba, T. (1999) Daily reconstruction of water temperature from oxygen isotopic ratios of a modern Tridacnashell with freezing microtome sampling technique, Journal of Geophysical research, 104, C9, 20667-20674
Watanabe, T., Oba, T. (1998) High resolution reconstruction of water temperature estimated from oxygen isotopic ratios of a modern Tridacna shell based on freezing microtome sampling technique, Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 32, 87-98